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801 1st St
Tybee Island, GA 31328
United States

(912) 226-9676

Rules & Safety

 Rules, Safety, and Getting Around Tybee

Tybee Golf Carts Rules For Renters:

  • Carts are prohibited from operating on the four lane Road (Highway 80/Butler Ave)

  • Highway 80/Butler Ave can only be crossed at intersections with a Four way traffic light (Campbell Ave., Jones Ave., 14th St.)

  • All drivers of our carts must be at least 18 years old and possess a valid drivers license and auto insurance -

    • reports of underage drivers will result in forfeiture of cart

  • Carts are Driven on Two Lane roads and must Abide by all traffic/Motor Vehicle laws

    • each passenger Must Wear a seat belt (only 2 passengers per seat)

    • Children/Infants required to be in a carseat in the car must also be in a properly restrained carseat on the golf cart

    • Children may not ride on laps or in between others. Please keep children safe by ensuring they are restrained properly.

  • Park the cart only in legally designated areas and spaces made for a vehicle

  • No reckless driving

  • No driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances

  • Carts are not permitted to be driven on beaches, sidewalks, or bike paths