Call Tybee Golf Carts at 912-226-9676 to Make a Reservation

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801 1st St
Tybee Island, GA 31328
United States

(912) 226-9676


Tybee Island’s Original Golf Cart Rental Provider -

Serving Tybee Island Since 2011 -

Thank you for trusting us to make your vacation special

What Makes Tybee Golf Carts Awesome?


Take your family, all your summer gear, and experience Tybee's beaches, restaurants, and shops without having to worry about checking the parking meter! 

new experience

Seeing Tybee Island with the convenience of a golf cart is a completely different experience! Easily explore and discover all of the island, including our three historical districts!

It's a golf cart!

Nothing beats having your own personal golf cart to cruise around in! Once you rent, you'll wonder why you never did before! Most of our renters are return customers. 

-Call to make a reservation and ask about Free Delivery and Pick up

during business hours-

There's no question:

Golf carts are the BEST way to get around Tybee Island!